Nothing says refined sophistication better on a hot summer day than a Panama hat, set at a jaunty angle to keep the sun out of the wearer’s eyes. These days considered to be a supremely elegant accessory for a man or woman, this hat has an intriguing history. Said to have originated centuries ago in Ecuador, it was inspired by the native Ecuadorian sensible habit of wearing a hat of woven palm leaves to shade their faces from the tropical sun. Philippe Raimondi is credited with first exporting the europeanised version of the hat when he brought it to the Universal Exhibition in Paris in 1855. But it was in 1880 that another Frenchman, Ferdinand de Lesseps, made this style of hat world world famous when he began to build the Panama Canal. Photographs of the construction, which were published in the world’s press, show many of the workers wearing this suave hat. It became an instant success and has remained sought after ever since.
Made in: Ecuador
Size: S
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